User talk:FideliaA34

From dieyoung
Revision as of 21:04, 12 July 2019 by FideliaA34 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "I make poverty wages, currently, where I work I bring in 1500 dollars a month. I work M F for 10hrs a day because the students have a nine and half hour day. I do not get paid...")
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I make poverty wages, currently, where I work I bring in 1500 dollars a month. I work M F for 10hrs a day because the students have a nine and half hour day. I do not get paid if they have a play and I have to be there. Jackson plays volleyball on his school team. He enjoys playing basketball until learning his father only lets him win so he will feel happy. He learns ping pong well enough to beat his father.

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