User talk:MichellElkins16
I been dabbling in drag for the past few months, mostly practicing make up and playing around. I recently lost my source of income and as a result haven been able to take it beyond that. As a result, I never been in real full drag and haven performed at all, aside from messing around in my bedroom..
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U Tip Extensions And Dr. Galopin, as it turns out, wasn't entirely wrong. Because scent is different when you have red hair, especially when you apply a scent to your skin. It best to get short wigs from them, but if you plan on getting a long wig I would get it from epic cosplay. There is also purple plum wigs but those tend to be a tad shiner than others I come across. Gothic Lolita and rock star wigs can run on the thin side depending on what style you get but they still decent wigs.U Tip Extensions
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