User talk:KLUZoila7473657

From dieyoung
Revision as of 23:47, 19 July 2019 by KLUZoila7473657 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Thelma Madine Humble BeginningsTraveller wedding dressmaker Thelma Madine got started in the dressmaking business by creating christening dresses for young girls. She went int...")
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Thelma Madine Humble BeginningsTraveller wedding dressmaker Thelma Madine got started in the dressmaking business by creating christening dresses for young girls. She went into dressmaking after going through a bad divorce and realizing that she had to support her three kids on her own. She was actually jailed for a year for continuing to claim benefits after she began making a profit from her dressmaking business, but found that her experience made her stronger and also gave her a greater respect for the Traveler community..

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