Tasks List
From dieyoung
Tasks in Die Young are used to track the player's progress through the game and to guide them towards the current objectives. A message will be displayed on the upper right of the screen every time a task is added, updated or completed.
Tasks are listed under the To-Do List section of the Inventory. The list is divided in three sub-categories: Main Tasks ("!" icon), Optional Tasks ("?" icon) and Completed Task ("✓" icon). To complete the game you only need to follow the main tasks (and not even all of them). To set a task as "current" press the E-key (or X-button on a gamepad); most of the time this will add green markers on your Map to guide you to the next step of your current task.
The following is a list of all the Tasks in the game:
Main Tasks
- Escape the Island
- Hand Drawn Map
- Follow the red marks
- Pharmacy Tools
- Poison Baits
- Open the “Bull Door”
- A Shelter for the Night
- Climbing the Rock Wall
- Explore the High Tower
- The Last Trial
- Join the Community
- Fire Walk with Me
- The Other Side
- Reach the Radio Tower
- Power on the Radio Station
- Find André’s Hideout
- Find Ibrahim
- Find a Gas Mask
- A Ticket to Freedom
- The Final Countdown
- Find the Rescuer
- The Last Fight
Optional Tasks
- Find my Friends
- Locate the Landmarks
- Explore the Twin Houses
- Explore the Temple Ruins
- Explore the Watchtower
- Explore the Manor Farm
- Explore the House on the Beach
- Explore the Pinewood
- Explore the Mountain Pass
- Repair the Broken Pump
- Save the Prisoner
- Manor Farm Murders
- The Campers
- Canteen
- The Manhole
- The Locker
- The Collector’s Diary
- Ancient Idols
- Noises from the Cellar
- Dead Romance
- Find the Climber
- Explore the Cliff Ruins
- Explore the Farm House
- Explore the Bio-Fuel Refinery
- Explore the Monumental Tombs
- Find a Light Source
- The Lost Miners
- Locate Military Post’s landmarks
- Explore the Military Warehouse
- Explore the Antiquities Warehouse
- Explore the Dog Training Camp
- Explore the Quarters
- Explore the Shooting Range
- Explore the Headquarter